Graphis Design Master: Rex Peteet of Colorado Springs, CO
Rex Peteet, co-founder of Sibley-Peteet Design Dallas and Founder of Sibley/Peteet Austin, is one of our newest Graphis Masters. Rex Peteet has since created his own company, Studio/Peteet Design and...
View ArticlePhotography: Projects from USA’s Jeff Ludes and Michael Mayo
Graphis is honored to present Los Angeles-based Jeff Ludes and Michael Mayo of Dallas, TX as the focus of this week’s photography spotlight To many, a car is as American as apple pie. It’s a symbol of...
View ArticleNew Talent: Projects from Prof. Abby Guido’s Students at Temple University
Professor Abby Guido of Temple University guided students Shimin Li and Ben Bittner in this week’s New Talent spotlight. Packaging is a delicate art form that is oft-overlooked. After all, for many it...
View ArticleNudes: New Entries from Vietnam’s Hậu Lê, Germany’s Astrid Susanna Schulz,...
Graphis proudly presents the tantalizing works of Hậu Lê, Astrid Susanna Schulz, and Saritdikhun Somasa in this week’s Nudes spotlight. Photography celebrates all forms of life. After all, art is an...
View ArticleAnnual Reports: Richard Colbourne and Peter Ty of the USA Design with...
Richard Colbourne of Addison and Peter Ty of Dept. of Design – Leo Burnett Chicago create a tantalizing series of annual reports. Reading a spreadsheet is never fun. They’re boring, wildly emotionless,...
View ArticleAdvertising: US-based Aaron Fisher and Joe Scalo Create Poise-Driven Campaigns
Aaron Fisher of CP+B and Joe Scalo of McCann present their advertising skills in full with their adept art direction Finding the right voice for an advertising campaign is never easy. It takes time and...
View ArticleNew Talent: Prof. Kevin Brainard of SVA in the USA and others Reimagine Branding
Talents from all around the world bring in their very best for this week’s branding spotlight Recreating a brand can be a designer’s dream. It gives them the opportunity to reimagine a grounded...
View ArticleNudes: Craig Colvin and Joseph E. Reid (US) and Ricardo de Vicq de Cumptich...
Craig Colvin, Joseph E. Reid and Ricardo de Vicq Cumptich revel in the form of the human body in their latest works Nude photography can often times be bland in presentation. It’s either too simplistic...
View ArticleGraphis Master: High Fashion Photographer Tatijana Shoan Is a Revelation
The Croatian-born photographer and editor-in-chief of AS IF Magazine is this week’s Graphis Master Launching a magazine is perhaps one of the hardest feats in modern-day publishing. As sales keep...
View ArticleNew Talent: Art Center College of Design’s Professors Brad Bartlett, Sean...
Graphis is honored to showcase the works of professors Sean Adams, Chris Hacker, and Brad Bartlett and their students Passing the torch from one generation to the next is an important way in which one...
View ArticlePhotography: California-based Mimi Haddon, Justin Fantl, and Jeff Kroeze...
Graphis looks to California this week in our weekly photography spotlight The subjects in photography are seldom the same. Whether it’s still life, portraits, landscapes, or products, there are a...
View ArticleNudes: Photographers Phil Marco, Lennette Newell (US) and Klaus Kampert...
Graphis dedicates this week’s photography spotlight to the works of these fine photographers Contrasts exist in nearly all walks of life. Righteous and evil, high and low, one and negative one–these...
View ArticleAdvertising: Art Director’s John Fairley, Toby Edwards (UK), and Valentino...
Graphis is honored to present the works of these fine art directors Advertising is an oft-overlooked art form. It’s mass consumption makes it seem as though it is a simple endeavor that does not take...
View ArticleGraphis Master: Grupo daDá Showcases our Curiously Wondrous World
Graphis is honored to present Grupo daDá as this week’s Graphis Master Our world is one that is increasingly threatened. From ecological crises to perpetual infighting, the earth as we know it has...
View ArticleAdvertising: Tantalizing New Works From Milwaukee
The intriguing works from BVK and STIR showcase the Wisconsin city’s growing inspirational power Self-improvement is an integral, if oft-overlooked aspect of our lives. It takes time and effort, moving...
View ArticleNew Talent: SVA’s Eileen Hedy Schultz, Tina Fong, and Carin Goldberg Inspire...
The School of Visual Arts continues to cultivate up-and-coming designers Attention to detail is key to any designer. It’s the nit pickiness of an individual that ultimately elevates any given project...
View ArticleNudes: Peter Arnold and Spiros Politis (UK) and Emy Kat (France) Detail the...
Graphis is proud to present these photographers as the focus of this week’s nudes spotlight The body exists in a dichotomous plane. It is both celebrated and yet vilified, loved and yet reviled, sung...
View ArticleGraphis Master: Prolific Israeli Artist Dan Reisinger’s Unequivocal Brilliance
Graphis is proud to present Dan Reisinger as this week’s Graphis Master Being a prolific artist is not a quality that is earned overnight. It’s a distinction that is obtained over time, sowed one...
View ArticlePhotography: American Photographers Bjorn Iooss and Craig Cutler Revel in the...
These inspiring photographers showcase the work that Graphis feels needs to be focalized High art is not everyone’s cup of tea. To some, it is pallid, morose, and just plain boring. To the same people,...
View ArticleAnnual Report: Benjamine Morrison Design (France) and Gensler (US) Present...
Gensler‘s Bryan Burkhart and Benjamine Morrison Design‘s Benjamine Morrison design some inspiring annual reports Unfortunately, no is ever thrilled to read an annual report. They’re dry,...
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